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Huddle Together     
The European Union (EU) and Japan signed the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement(EPA) in Tokyo on July 17,mark-ing the creation of one of the world's largest free trade blocs covering 600 million people and constituting around 30 percent of the global GDP. Leaders from both sides have high expec-tations for the EPA. European Council President Donald Tusk described it as a "light in the dark-ness" for international trade while Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that the EPA "shows the unwavering political resolve of Japan and the EU to lead the world as flagbearers of free trade amid growing protectionism."  相似文献   
Dong Guo 《发展研究杂志》2018,54(7):1137-1153
This study is a first attempt to estimate the impact of school resources on students’ subsequent labour market earnings in China. Combining unprecedented school data from the early 1950s to the 1990s with household survey data in the 2000s, this paper documents that expenditure-per-pupil, a proxy measure of school resources (or quality) has a significant impact on the level of subsequent earnings through its influence on education returns. The positive effect calls for policy intervention aimed at improving education, to be based on the perceived economic return to the quantity as well as the quality components of education.  相似文献   
论应当赋予侵权债权在破产分配中以优先地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马东 《法学杂志》2012,33(2):137-141
"三鹿"奶粉事件凸显在企业大规模侵权下在破产程序中赋予侵权债权普通债权人的地位具有不合理性。赋予侵权之债债权以普通债权的地位是对私法概念的曲解,违背了民商法公平正义的价值理念,不符合商法追求社会效益的价值诉求。基于此,应当赋予侵权之债在破产分配中以优先地位。  相似文献   
长期以来,票据法理论除强调票据行为的形式要件外,还把票据能力和意思表示作为票据行为的实质要件。但是,票据能力和意思表示若具有实质要件意义,则与票据行为的要式性、文义性、无因性、独立性等特征相矛盾,也与促进票据流通的票据法理念相冲突。从票据法及票据行为的个性考虑,票据能力欠缺和意思表示瑕疵仅能作为一种抗辩事实,而不能以此否定票据行为的效力,即票据行为上根本不存在所谓的实质要件。  相似文献   
社会主义价值观体系是一个庞大而复杂的思想观念系统,主要包括位于基础层次的社会主义基本价值观、列在中间层次的社会主义一般价值观和居于最高层次的社会主义核心价值观三个层级的内容。社会主义基本价值观发轫于空想社会主义,集成于科学社会主义,突破于中国特色社会主义。社会主义一般价值观源于社会主义实践及其发展的需要,是特定时代场景下社会全体成员的共同理想和价值愿望。社会主义核心价值观尚需进一步凝练。探讨社会主义价值观体系的结构分层,是培育和践行社会主义核心价值观的重要前提。  相似文献   
Although research consistently suggests that adolescents in single-mother families are at increased risk for depression, the mechanisms that explain this relationship are unclear. In a community sample of adolescents (N?=?368; ages 12–16; 50?% female; 50?% White) and their mothers (42?% single), adolescents completed measures of depressive symptoms, rumination, and depressogenic inferential style at baseline and two yearly follow-ups. Mothers reported on stressful events that occurred in the child’s life from birth until baseline. Adolescents raised by single mothers, relative to partnered mothers, experienced more childhood stressors and higher rumination levels at 1-year follow-up. Additionally, higher rumination mediated the relationship between single motherhood and greater youth depressive symptoms at the 2-year follow-up. Clinical implications and developmental considerations are discussed.  相似文献   
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